Candy Sleighs

Candy Sleighs

Easy and fun Christmas gifts.
You can do 12 of these in 1 hour and a half.

First you glue a kitkat bar to two candy canes to create the base. We used hot glue and ran a strip of glue down each candy cane.

Next, attach 10 mini hershey bars on top, with just a drop of glue for each. You stack them in a pyramid, first 4, then 3, then 2, then 1
Finally placing a smaller chocolate top (kisses or any other)

You can put a Christmas ribbon for it:

After all the glue is hard and secure, glue ribbon around your “packages” and a bow on the top. That’s it! so cute and fun and your recipient can keep it as a decoration or take it apart and eat all the candy!

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