Hidden Pumpkin Surprise Cake

I fell in love with surprise cakes long time ago but I haven’t made one for a long time. This is the Cake for thanksgiving or any occasions. It takes a bit of effort to make but totally worth the time. The result: a very happy for sure.


There are many versions of surprise cakes these days. You can make an all white cake with red love heart( for Valentine’s Day), but on this occasion we will do it for Thanksgiving Day .Source: Unknown(Let me know if you own this, thanks).

Hidden Pumpkin Surprise Cake



  • Vanilla or Butter Pound Cake recipe or mix (for 1 loaf of cake)
  • Vanilla or Butter Pound Cake recipe or mix (for 1 loaf of cake)
  • 1/6 teaspoon orange Food Coloring
  • ½ teaspoon Pumpkin Spice (or to taste )

Special equipment:

  • Pumpkin shaped Cookie Cutter (3 ½ inches wide 3 inches tall)
  • Loaf pan


  1. Preheat oven per the instruction on the cake mix package.
  2. For one vanilla pound cake, add 1/8 teaspoon orange coloring to the mix. Then add Pumpkin Spice. Mix well and bake per instruction on the package. but remove about 8-10 minutes BEFORE it’s done and allow to cool completely.
  3. Reheat oven per instruction for another vanilla pound cake recipe or mix.
  4. Place pumpkin pound cake on a cutting board. Cut the cake into slices as thick as the cookie cutter.
  5. Then proceed and use the cookie cutter to cut one pumpkin out of each slice.
  6. Set aside.
  7. Butter a loaf pan and place pumpkin in the middle of the pan; back-to-back and touch each other. (see picture)
  8. Prepare the vanilla cake recipe or mix according to the directions.
  9. Fill the vanilla mixture into the loaf pan where the pumpkin cake are sitting. Fill in the batter on both sides, in between the pumpkin (this way each pumpkin will have some vanilla cake between them and cover the top of the pumpkin as well. This step can be a bit messy so get someone to help if you can.
  10. Bake the vanilla cake per instruction for your recipe or cake mix package.
  11. Remove the cake from oven and allow to cool on a cooling rack.
  12. Top up with your favorite whip cream or buttercream

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