How to Make a Jelly Filled Donut

How to Make a Jelly Filled Donut

Homemade donuts or doughnuts are actually quite easy to make. And once you know how to make a basic donut you can go crazy will all kinds of different toppings and fillings. Using the following donut recipe I made glazed donuts, raspberry jam filled donuts, and chocolate covered donuts.

If you like Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts as much as I do, then you would love making your own donuts at home. Just be sure to eat them while they are warm and delicious.

Recipe for Delicious Homemade Donuts

How to Make a Jelly Filled Donut
For a jelly filled donut you will need:

Raspberry Jam
Confectioners sugar
2 tablespoons water
2 teaspoons water

Using a chopstick or something similar, poke a hole in the side of the donut and twist around to make an opening to fill the donut. At this point it would be great for you to have a pastry filler or food syringe you can fill with the raspberry jam to inject into the donut. Once the raspberry jam is in the donut, gently sift some powdered confectioners sugar over the donut.

How to Make a Jelly Filled Donut

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