Kit Kat Cake Easy Recipe

Kit Kat Cake Easy Recipe

If you love chocolate like me, then you’ll love this cake!. I look for the easy way to do it and really worked. This was the result



Kit kat cake

Yield: 10 to 12 servings
Prep Time: 30 min Cook Time: 35 min
This recipe makes enough for two 9 inch round cake layers

Kit Kat Cake Easy Recipe


2 Cake mix box
Ingredients as Indicated in box


2 Rich & Creamy Dark Chocolate Frosting
Kit Kat Bars (you’ll need 45 to 50 Kit Kat sticks total)
One 12.6-ounce bag M & M’s


  1. Prepare cake as shown in box. Bake and cool
  2. Trim to level the top by using a serrated knife.(in the two cakes)
  3. Spread with chocolate frosting.
  4. Place the second cake layer and spread around with the chocolate coating
  5. Place the Kit Kat around the cake
  6. Place M & M top the cake.
  7. Place the cake a ribbon to decorate

Prepare cake as shown in box. Bake and cool

Kit Kat Cake Easy Recipe


With a knife pair the two cakes.
Spread with chocolate frosting.
Place the second cake layer and spread around with the chocolate coating

Kit Kat Cake Easy Recipe



Place the Kit Kat around the cake
Place M & M top the cake.
Place the cake a ribbon to decorate

Kit Kat Cake Easy Recipe



Decadent Chocolate Cakes

Get Online Chocolate Cakes Class Here info!!!!


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