Orange Creamsicle Floats

Orange Creamsicle Floats
Orange Creamsicle Floats

These Orange Creamsicle Floats are just like the classic 50/50 bars but in a drink form. Creamy vanilla ice cream surrounded by a sweet orange deliciousness… my mouth is watering just thinking about them! Today I want to share a guilt-free way to get a creamy flavor without adding an entire carton of ice cream. You (and your waistline!) are going to LOVE it!

Orange Creamsicle Floats

Orange Creamsicle Floats
Orange Creamsicle Floats


  • orange soda, cold
  • vanilla ice cream
  • Fat-Free French Vanilla Creamer


Combine the orange soda and International Delight French Vanilla in a tall glass.
Top with one scoop of ice cream and serve immediately with a straw and spoon.


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