Popsicles Yogurt and Cherries

With this recipe for frozen yogurt and cherries we opened the season for ice cream!

With this heat much more chilly crave desserts and light and these poles are perfect as well as being very healthy, are very fast! Encourage them to prepare with any fruit: strawberries, bananas, peaches, blueberries, … I love them!

Recipe and Image by Galeteria
For more recipes visit: Galeteria.blogspot.com


Popsicles yogurt and cherries


Time: 15 minutes + resting
Quantity: 6 serving
Difficulty: Very easy


2 Greek yogurt (6 oz each)
7 oz cherries
6 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice



1 Wash the cherries, remove the bone and chopping.

2 There are two ways to prepare

Cherry chip: yogurt is beaten with sugar and few drops of lemon and ice cream mold is intertwined a layer of yogurt with bits of cherry.


With crushed cherries: They beat the yogurt, sugar and cherries to form a homogeneous mixture. All poured into the mold for ice.


3 Put the molds in the freezer for about 5 hours and minimum and you can enjoy your delicious frozen fruit and yogurt!


Recipe and Image by Galeteria
For more recipes visit: Galeteria.blogspot.com

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